Monday, March 1, 2010

A Rant!

Be prepared, I am pissed off! Not having a good day today despite the fact it's RAG week this week1! Otherwise known as the most epic party week of the college year! Yet here I am stuck inside trying to make myself get my History and Sociology assignments done, not to mention the 2000 Moot Court memorial I need to get a start on! A very unfair move by the lecturers to give us assignments due this week! And yes I do realise that it's my own fault I didn't start and finish these earlier!

But that's not even what my rant is about! The library are really trying to get at me right now! I received an email about a week or two ago telling me that I had a book due back to them that I had never heard of! It was some philosophy book which would have no relevance to my subjects of law, history and sociology. So I said fine and calmly rang the library to explain the situation in the hope they could sort it out. This was an impossible occurrence to them, it was apparently taken out on my card which isn't possible considering I had my card but I stayed calm and they told me they would try see what they could do and ring me back.

Now I better clarify at this point that i did lose my purse before Christmas and everything in it including my student card! But as soon as I returned to college for exams in January I went straight to the registration office to replace my card. The book was only taken out on February 2nd. i'm pretty sure I wasn't in the library around then either!

I never heard back from the library. So today while in the library I remembered the problem and went up to the front desk to see if everything was now ok. I waited twenty minutes while the librarian spoke to one of his colleagues only for her to come up to me and tell me that because the book was taken out on my card, it is therefore my responsibility and if I don't have the book (which we had clearly established I didn't!) I have to pay to replace the book - a minimum fee of €30. What student has that much money to spare?! I only have about €18 in my bank account!

Now Síomha is not happy! This ruined a day which could've been alright! So off I went in search of help. First stop the registration office to see if my old student card had been cancelled which it should of been. They're currently checking up on that for me and I'm waiting to hear back. I've also spoken to the head of the Law Society who has advised me to talk to the head librarian that he knows and then I went to the President of the Student Union who has now promised me that he will try sort out the problem. I really hope he does or there will be war!

So there's my rant i'm hoping this will all be sorted and be fine! On the plus side did my first ECDL module today and got 97% - beat that Mma Makutsi! Only those of you who have read the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books will get that one! :D Check out the link though!

Luv ya as always!

Síomha aka XxCrazyxAngelxX <3

P.S. I might have some new outfits up soon!


Currently listening to: When You're Looking Like That - Westlife (It was playing in the SU, I couldn't resist. Childhood memories you know?! :D)
Currently Wearing: Pink Penguin socks (:D), my fave purple skinnies, this savage long white top with a face on it, coloured in pink and purple that i got for only €3 in noname, and a silver scarf.

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