Friday, February 18, 2011

The everlasting music debate....

So I was at the most amazing gig on Wednesday. For the second time I got to watch the sheer awesomeness of My Chemical Romance in concert! It was just an awe-inspiring show. The band really know how to entertain, Gerard Way especially. He is a pure performer, it's clear that that is what he lives for! And I got to see my future husband Frankie so I was damn happy anyway! :P

But that's not what this is about. This blog is about the difficulties of being an MCR fan! There are very few musical artists who get as much abuse for their work as My Chem do, and as a result their fans get the same. It's incredibly difficult sometimes to tell people that my favourite band is my Chemical Romance but I am not ashamed of it!

I have no problem with people having differing opinions to myself. Not everyone can feel the same and I can handle that (even though I would love to convert them all to the MCRmy!). MCR cause such debate though that I have now made one simple rule when anyone feels the need to judge them:
Unless you have listened to more than just any song on "The Black Parade" your opinion cannot be counted
Yes that probably sounds harsh but let me explain. The whole  massive media judgement on My Chemical Romance only started about 3/4 years ago when "The Black Parade" was released. Not many had even heard of the band or their first two albums but yet felt that they all had the authority to form a judgement on the latest album. The world went mad with that album, everyone just had to form an opinion, mostly just following the crowd in one way or another.

Here's the thing. Even with the massive 6 year long obsession that I have had with Frankie Iero and co. I will freely admit that "The Black Parade" is the worst album of MCR's discography, in fact even the band themselves have admitted that. it's not the true MCR stuff, they lost their punkiness and energy in that album. "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" always has and always will be my favourite album. It's the one that made me fall in love with the band and it's the one I can always turn to no matter what my mood. 

Back on track... People do not give MCR a chance because of all these preconceived notions that they have made from hearing stories of stupid emo kids and MCR making them do stuff and all this shite. But that's not MCR and they never would do that.

In fact those kids annoy me nearly as much as the people who claim to hate MCR but yet have never listened to them! The annoying little teeny boppers who think it's so cool to be scene and emo and have to like MCR as part of the "trend". Most of them don't know the old MCR either, just the Black Parade stuff. They were all over the place at the gig, it annoyed me so much because they didn't even know half the songs played and when Gerard asked how many were seeing the band for the first time way to large a proportion of the audience answered in the affirmative. That is just not right for a ten year old band! These annoying wannabe kids are the bane of my life. Stop looking for attention and actually appreciate the music that you are listening to instead of ruining the experience for everyone else.

So I imagine most of you were not bothered reading the whole way through that so in summary:
Until you can tell me that you have listened to songs off the first two My Chemical Romance albums (aka "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" and "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge") don't bother even trying to argue with me about how "crap" MCR are because quite simply, you do not know what you are talking about. You are just making your judgement on a load of hype! However if you can prove to me that you know the old MCR stuff and still feel the same I will grudgingly accept differences of opinion. Or even if you're not a fan, just respect the guys for the talented artists that they are. 

And people research the band before you start pretending you know about them! Such as the act that they have completely rejected the emo stereotype that they have been thrown into! It's not hard! Just wiki them at least! - My Chemical Romance

I will leave you with one of my favourite songs off each album and please feel free to look up more!

I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me your Love - Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge - Thank You For The Venom

The Black Parade - Cancer
(This song is incredibly important to me so don't even think of making a comment, it's also amazing live)

Danger Day: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W

Love you always,
Síomha aka XxCrazyAngelxX


Currently listening to: Why, MCR of course! I'm trying to decide the best songs to advise you to listen to! Three Cheers was especially tough to choose from!
Currently Wearing: My lovely Roxy hoodie, My Dipsy T-Shirt, some black tights, and my ever faithful grey pinafore that I remember blogging about when I first got it! :D

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