Friday, February 25, 2011

Challenge Accepted

I think I enjoy torturing myself too much sometimes...

Between doing work for a lecturer, having to study for ECDL and my theory test, agreeing to help out with the NUIM prospectus and of course trying to do college work, time is not something I have much of these days and I have a social life to uphold too, but yet here I am considering myself as "bored" and deciding that I need some challenges. What am I doing?!

Basically while looking at someones else's blog I found a list they had of 100 things that they wanted to try do by the end of the year. It was a pretty impressive list and they were doing well so far, well enough to inspire me anyway! Now I'm trying to decide what kind of things I could challenge myself with?! I do always love a good challenge, as my friends could tell you! It makes life more interesting. you're not stuck doing the same dull things day to day, and college is the perfect place to try do something like this!

One problem, what am I going to challenge myself with?! I want goals that are achievable yet still crazy enough to be fun! I'm thinking that my first goal for myself should be to try get a Platinum Week next week. What's a Platinum Week you ask? That would be the art of going out every night in college (debates do rise as to whether Sunday or Friday nights count but we'll leave that for now, *cough* Sunday *cough*)  and yet still managing to make all your lectures for the week too. That is definitely going to be something of a challenge considering that I haven't even managed to make a golden week (that would be making all my lectures) this semester! It doesn't help when my latest start in the week is 10am... But I'm prepared to do my best to make it. I would be pretty proud of myself if I can do it alright!

I need more ideas though, I'm kind of stuck. So far the only other one I can think of is to get every assignment I get this semester done before the night before. For me that will not be easy. I don't think i have managed it yet! But that one kind of sucks too. I want some interesting challenges! I could also continue my challenge from last year of being able to somehow know everyone in Maynooth. I did pretty well last year so hopefully I can keep that one up!

So, anyone got any ideas for me?! I need more than three! Please! Make this semester a fun one for me before I end up in final year misery!

Love as always
Síomha aka XxCrazyAngelxX


Currently listening to: I Just had Sex by The Lonely Island and Akon. That song is made of pure legend!
Currently Wearing: I'm very black today... Black flats (with pretty bows!), black skinnies, a nice grey and black striped draped top and my classic Roxy hoodie! Half my clothes are falling apart these days! I think a shopping trip may be in order!

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