Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Well it's been a while!

Wow I nearly forgot about this blog! I've been up to so much these days. Not in 6th year anymore! I'm officially a College student! Didn't do as well in the Leaving as I'd hope (aka nowhere near the points for law!) but thank god for NUI Maynooth and Arts ! I can do law here as an arts subject! Just need to get 60% in my exams to qualify to do law in second year. If I get it I can transfer into Law (BCL) and Arts which is exactly what i wanted anyway - A Law and History degree! So it's an a Arts degree I'm doing at the moment - Law, history and Sociology. Yea yea bring on the Arts jokes!. I'm getting my law results for Christmas this week so fingers crossed though to be honest I don't think it's looking hopeful! I'm just praying a miracle happens really! I did alright in History and Sociology so either I've had my fill of good results or I'm in for a full run of success! :D

So I'm all grown up now! It's kind of scary! My baby brother is even going to be a teenager in two weeks! This isn't right! Think it's worse for my mum, she'll have three teenagers for a year and two months! I'm living up in Maynooth now too. On campus, which rocks, with four other girls, three third years and another first year. The third years are seriously stress inducing! The concept of cleaning really doesn't seem to enter their heads! And they are currently locked right now, laughing at the top of their voices. lovely...

Ah I'm just being too miserable. being sick sucks. :( I've had a kidney infection for the last two weeks that they've only just worked out what it is so my energy is really being taken from me. but I got to see Conor tonight which was nice :). He's in DCU, which is a bit tough sometimes because I normally only get to see him about twice a week but we're coping! One of us will stay in the others on Thursday nights and then we'll see each other at the weekends too. But tonight he was on a mystery tour for someone's (who he didn't know!) 21st and ended up in all places but Mantra in Maynooth! It was completely random but so nice to see him because I haven't seen him since Saturday and not properly since last Thursday considering I was so sick on Sat I was just completely out of it. We've had two fights since then which weren't great so seeing Conor was just really nice tonight even though I didn't get to see him for long and he was pretty drunk! :D

Well I think I've rambled on enough for tonight. Considering it's half two I think it's time for bed! Gotta make my 11am lecture! :(

Thanks for reading!
Luv ya!
XxCrazyxAngelxX <3


Currently Listening to: Tik Tok parody - The Midnight Beast feat St£fan
Currently wearing: just my jammies tonight! and Conor's DCU jumper :)

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