So my first post. Just thought I should start a blog. Sure why not, everyone else is doing it!
While my life isn't all that fascinating for the most part I do have my interesting days what with the drama my past has consisted of but that's a long story and when I need to explain things I will. No point burdening everyone with my miserable tale straight away.
So the Introductions start. Well I'm Síomha (she-va), I'm 17 and currently (meant to be!) studying for my Leaving Certificate. Only a few months left! I'm an Irish Cailín stuck in lil Wicklow but hopefully I cant get the points next year to get me out into the world of college in Dublin or elsewhere!
that would be moi in the pink being the fool as usual!Like I said I have a miserable past but it's made me the (for the most part) happy and positive person I am today! I tend to try look on the bright side and I'm terribly hyper and cheery. I'm also probably considered the 'freak' in my year but I've learned to embrace that and not let it affect me!
I also have an amazing boyfriend who I've been with for over two years. He is absolutely amazing! He just means so much to me. Hes been with me through a load of shit and somehow managed to stand my craziness when everyone else is sick of me. I truly Love him and could not live without him! He is most definitely the best thing to happen in my life and no matter how cheesy it sounds Conor really has change my life.

Conor and myself - I really do Love him more than anything!
Music is a major part of my life. I'll be honest and say the music I like tends to be the 'emo' stuff but I'm not your stereotypical emo girl in any sense of the word. And with that I do actually have a bit of a thing about stereotypes and how annoying they are! But back to the point. My favourite band are My Chemical Romance, say what you want but they are amazing! They did a lot for me when I really needed it all those years ago. I love dancing about in my room, listening to music constantly and always finding new bands. I also have a little secret love for cheesy pop, specifically the kinda stuff I used to listen to aged 10 or older...
I've also recently gained a love for fashion. I've discovered my own style and love to show it off. For me it's all about colour! Especially my eye make up! I'm now know in school for my many different colours of eyeliner and eyeshadows and also for how I match them with my wide array of coloured scarves everyday! Well you have to jazz up your uniform somehow!
I Might post pictures of my favourite outfits and make up looks sometimes so take a look, enjoy and maybe be inspired! :D

Here's one of my absolute favourite eye looks! It's so me - Fun and colourful! There is a story behind it though! As one of our school's fundraising attempts they hold a rainbow civvies day! My dream come true! :D
So to truly enter the spirit of rainbow day I decided to see how many different eyeshadows I could get on my eyelids (6!) and then grabbed all my coloured eyeliners and drew a fabulous rainbow from my eye to my ear! i loved it! :D
So I think I've given you a good representation of me! I hope you'll keep reading my blog and I haven't bored you to bits!