I know, I know! I'm useless! And for that I apologise but I do hope to get back into this blog this year. We'll see what final year will allow!
As a quick update for you, I have spent the last year on work placement with a law firm in Dublin which even included a few months on secondment in one of their big clients! I have to say that it was an amazing experience, and having now finished, I actually miss working! I lived in Dublin for that year but I have now moved back home and will be back in Maynooth in a few week and I cannot wait for that. I'll be going into my final year and a new year at that, as most of my friends did not do an extra year last year and have now graduated. So it'll be a bit of a new experience but I'm ready for it. :)
I have had a few health scares and a lot of drama this year so be prepared for a few off posts but I'm aiming for happy year so lets make that happen! :)